K-12 Programming

We know as former educators that students thrive in the classroom when they are able to bring their whole authentic selves into an inclusive and equitable learning environment. Safe and celebratory spaces for LGBTQ+ youth can look like many things, but they always encourage curiosity, empathy, and joy. We are here to support in practical, every day ways to make that vision a reality.

Intensive Community Learning Workshops

(Including Safe Space Certification)

Intensive Community Learning Workshops (ICLWs) are available In Person (subject to travel restrictions/COVID-19 protocols, etc) and Remotely. ICLWs are longer, interactive workshops spent going into queer and trans youth support more in-depth and are created by QYA in partnership with the needs of an organization, especially for an event like a conference or symposium. ICLWs are available for staff and/or youth. Additionally, we offer Safe Space certification.

LGBTQ2S+ Affinity Group Support

Support for Affinity Group Spaces (e.g., GSAs, Spectrum Clubs, SAGAs, etc) can be a vital part of creating a celebratory community! QYA offers our expertise in founding and running these spaces, as well as working to improve dynamic lesson plans, programming, and interactive activities. As former teachers who have founded and run GSAs ourselves, we understand how big the lift can be — contact us for support!

Gender Support Plan Support

Gender Support Plans are a set of questions (usually a Google form) that helps staff be able to understand and better support their gender expansive youths in an accessible and appropriate way. GSPs allow staff/coaches, youth, and (optional) caregivers to come up with a plan to support expression and identity that is straightforward, thoughtful, and considers safety and privacy above all.

GSPs can be extremely helpful in making sure youth are not misgendered and have access to the facilities and teams that match their identity.

Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.

— Brene Brown