Youth Sports Organizations

  • At QYA, as former elite college athletes, we understand that feeling free to express yourself through sport is at the center of excellent performance. Access practical, thoughtful support through personalized programming to make your organization a celebratory space, on and off the field.


  • Intensive Community Learning Workshops

    Intensive Community Learning Workshops (ICLWs) are available In Person (subject to travel restrictions/COVID-19 protocols, etc) and Remotely. ICLWs are interactive workshops spent going into queer and trans youth support more in-depth and are created by QYA in partnership with the needs of an organization, especially for an event like a conference or symposium. We offer workshops such as LGBTQ+ 101, Trans and Non-Binary Inclusion in Sport, as well as Safe Space certification.

  • Player Advisory Councils

    Player Advisory Councils encourage young athletes to become leaders within your organization. With a focus on Education, Community, and Action, athletes come together to address what they think would make sport more inclusive, equitable, and fun! With the help of QYA, your organization gets to work with young athletes to create programming to advocate for that change. PACs through QYA have led Mental Health workshops, Youth Referree conflict resolution skills learning spaces, and donated gear drives, among other efforts.

    (Note: This service does not address only queer and trans support; organization members are the leaders in ACs, and so they will decide what they most want to focus on in their education, community, and action plans in collaboration with your organization

  • Gender Support Plans

    We offer training and materials for Gender Support Plan integration. Gender Support Plans are a set of questions (usually a Google form) that helps staff be able to understand and better support their gender expansive youths in an accessible and appropriate way. GSPs allow staff/coaches, youth, and (optional) caregivers to come up with a plan to support expression and identity that is straightforward, thoughtful, and considers safety and privacy above all.

    GSPs can be extremely helpful in making sure youth are not misgendered and have access to the facilities and teams that match their identity. It allows youth to have autonomy and share information privately.